Critic/ism in Flux: Artist and Curator Talk

Join us for an artist and curator talk with Anna Miguel Cervantes and Lk Rigor on June 15, 2024, Saturday from 4:00-5:30 PM at the PKL Center. This talk is part of the public programming of the exhibition “Critic/ism in Flux.”

Lk Rigor will discuss how she conceptualized the exhibit, how she underwent her research in the Purita Kalaw-Ledesma archives for materials related to Philippine art criticism, and how the works of the three featured artists (Anna Miguel Cervantes, Lena Cobangbang, and Nice Buenaventura) connect to the exhibit themes.

Anna Miguel Cervantes will share her process for creating the works “A protest is a circle draped over a body” and “A gathering of houses in Lanao I-XII,” both made specifically for this exhibit.

To attend, please register through this link: